
If you have reached this page, you have probably been accepted as a California Hospital Volunteer.
Volunteers become an important part of the team at California Hospital, therefore the training and orientation of candidates are essential for a successful overall volunteer experience.
Once you've been accepted, and completed your clearance requirements, you will be invited to an orientation session. Please refer to the invitation for the date, time, and location details. Click here for a map of the hospital campus. If you have any questions or need to RSVP, please call (213) 742-5707.
- Before attending the Orientation session, prospective volunteers are required to read the following information (you do not have to print these out unless you want to) - click on the link for each:
- Volunteer Manual
- Privacy and Data Security Pamphlet
- Standards of Conduct Manual
- Next, complete, sign and bring the following documents when attending the Orientation Session:
- Self-Study Post Test (based on the Volunteer Manual above)
- Privacy & Security Acknowledgement
- Standards of Conduct Acknowledgement
- Confidentiality Statement and Badge Agreement
- Emergency Information Form
- Photo Release
- The uniform consists of:
- A shirt that will be provided
- White or khaki ankle-length pants
- Athletic shoes
- CHMC badge